The drive is pretty damn amazing. It begins in dusty red mining towns, which look exactly as they did in the 1800's except now theres a Circle K next to the Saloon.
The speed limit was pretty ridiculous, like 15-25mph in most places, so that was kind of boring. But eventually we were so high up that the Charger didn't have enough puff to push us faster anyway. The road cleared at the halfway point so with some downhill and a tailwind we managed to have some fun.
As we continued on, the desert rocks, mining cranes and rock tunnels gave way to endless planes of faded yellow grass, then trees, then ice.

No idea what principle of meteorology puts snow in the middle of the Arizona desert, but it was very pretty either way.
We stopped in Flagstaff sometime this afternoon, not going to push any further because the Grand Canyon isnt far off and we want to be there in daylight. We may finally get around to going out for a drink tonight.
Oh, and this motel has vouchers for $5 off fully automatic rifles at The Gun Store, so maybe we'll give them a whirl too.

please tell me you have time to hit vegas?!