Monday, February 23, 2009

Niagara Day 2 -> Toronto;

We started our morning slowly, with a quick look at the falls in the daylight, followed by an imax movie about the falls and the various idiots who were swept over the edge. We had a lunch in some tower with a revolving restaurant in it, which shows 10% beautiful waterfalls, 90% empty carparks and desolate streets. The town of Niagara is pretty much one big waterfall giftshop with a casino in it.

After lunch we left for Toronto, which is Canadas largest city. We visited a neat but forgettable castle first, then went to the CN tower, which is apparently the tallest building in the world due to its obnoxiously large UHF aerial/lighting rod/spire thingy.

The walls and floors of the tower elevators were glass, and there were glass viewing floors on the observation deck as well, so it was a kinda scary view until the heavy snow wiped the city away and replaced it with a soft grey nothingness.

By the time we got back down it was snowing. Proper snowing too, not just random particals of ice catching you off guard in NY. This continued for the other quick photo-op stops we made through the city, although quick photo-ops rapidly degenerated into snowball fights.

Everything was going well and spirits were high as the bus set off for the nights Hotel accommodation, then somewhere on the expressway the engine died.

The drivers (from Kazakhzstan, hilariously enough) repair plan involved him unloading a can of Start Ya Bastard into the intake while I cranked the engine and stomped the gas. A couple of times we got it running, but after a few minutes of redline it would just die off again.

Several frantic and possibly hostile phonecalls in Mandarin later, a shuttle bus was dispatched from the Hotel-to-be to pick us up. Unfortunately it was more of a shuttle-van, and could only take half of the group at a time. All up, Michelle, Dave and I spent 2 hours sitting on the side of a highway in a freezing bus with wet feet (snowball injuries), which rapidly became frozen feet, which then became I-dont-know-I-cant-feel-them feet. Oh, and I had to use the mens room URGENTLY this whole time too. Happy Birthday to me.

Fortunately this Hotel is very warm, we've been granted an extra hour of sleep, and a fresh bus is en route from New York. Leaving Canada tomorrow

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