Sunday, March 1, 2009


Texas got ridiculously cold overnight. The weather itself wasn't bad but the wind was imported directly from Canada or something. We watched hotrods for as long as we could stand then got back in the car and headed south.

Dave had a bright idea and directed us to Mineral Wells, which we've seen in a bunch of american drift videos. Mineral Wells itself is a bit of a ghost town, but we knew that somewhere they were hiding a massive expanse of bitumen that seemed free to be used for anything.

The only logical place we could come up with was the airport, so we followed our GPS along some lonely roads and drove around the (completely deserted) complex until we found it, completely covered in skid marks.

Soon enough, as these things normally go, we had a flat tyre and some other stuff happened. We're in Austin, TX now. Thrifty says to hit up a Goodyear tyre place tomorrow for a free replacement, it remains to be seen if they are open on Sunday or not.


  1. some other stuff?? hmmm.. keep having fun Matty.. you should have a day off driving and enjoy yourselves.

  2. It seems like so much fun all the stuff you are doing.
    What music are you rocking while driving?


  3. we've been listening to a lot of radio. lil wayne booty bass, classic rock, a bit of country, the whole works.

    tell mum not to panic, i think we're picking up a new car today

